

Oyo State has witnessed the death of three great, illustrious and exceptional sons at an average interval of six years.

On the 11th June, 2008, the state was thrown into a confusion over the death of Alhaji Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu, a political godfather that can install and remove political leaders in the State.

Late Adedibu was famous for his style of politics, his Molete residence host hundreds of political admirers on daily basis. Molete School of Politics became popular during his lifetime and characterized with violence.

The role late Adedibu played for the emergence of Senator Rashidi Ladoja of PDP in 2003 and that of Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala in 2007 as Governors still lingers in memory of political followers in Oyo State.

Late Adedibu, the garrison commander of Oyo politics during his life time once said, he only sweat when he eats hot Àmàlà and goat meat stressing that political scheming was his easiest thing to do. How less than two-third lawmakers impeached governor Ladoja before he was reinstated by court of competent jurisdiction cannot be forgotten in hurry.

Before he died, his son, Kamorudeen Adedibu became Senator representing Oyo South Senatorial District, he vowed to make his son governor of the State. Unfortunately, he didn’t live till 2011 when gubernatorial election was conducted in the State.

Six years down Adedibu’s death was the exit of business mogul, Islamic leader and a leading voice in the state and beyond.

On June 18, 2014, Aare Musulumi of Yorubaland including Edo and Delta, Alhaji AbdulAzeez Arisekola-Alao died in London Hospital, UK. His death came as rude shock to people of Ìbàdàn and all the constituents he represent.

Arisekola was a philanthropist to some people to the way and manner he lifts people out of poverty.

He was a billionaire business man to some because of the business he controls and how he freely relate with the top echelon in the society.

He became Aare Musulumi of Yorubaland since 1980, the title he enjoyed till he died in 2014. From humble ground to Islamic leader of high repute.

He was described as half of Ibadan mistaken for one by Odolaye Aremu, a popular musician.

He started performing Muslim holy pilgrimage since 1970s and sponsored quite large number of Muslim faithfuls to Hajj and lesser hajj, Umrah.

Unfortunately, he lost his wife a year before he died.

Many people are still in grief over the third death that occur 6 years after Arisekola-Alao bid the world farewell. Oyo State and Nigeria at large received the death news of former governor of Oyo State, Abiola Ajimobi on 25th June, 2020. Senator Abiola Ajimobi died of COVID-19 complication at the First Cardiology Centre, Ikoyi, Lagos.

Senator Abiola Ajimobi was a man of many parts. He meant different things to different people.

To some, he was a bold, courageous and forthright leader. He was architect of modern Oyo State to some.

He became the first governor in the history of Oyo State to have been elected twice after he once served as Senator for 4 years. His victory at the gubernatorial poll in 2015 earned him jinx breaker title (Koseleri 1).

Until his death, he rose to the position of Deputy National Chairman of All Progressives Congress.

However, it did not go down with many students whom many would have graduated today and their parents the way the issue of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso was handled between the Oyo and Osun States government.

He did a lot in the Oyo State Civil Service by weeding out ghost workers and made Oyo have a reliable data bank for payment of workers’ salaries. He took the step when his administration felt that the monthly salary scale of workers did not reduce whereas people were retiring from civil service on monthly basis. He conducted screening to unravel many hidden things while salary scale was high.

Security of lives and property was a huge success during his administration, the era brigandage became thing of the past with massive infrastructural development. His Operation Burst, security outfit for Oyo State was a huge success. Sanity was restored, transport workers  became conscious of their activities after he read riot act to them that his government would not tolerate violence, breakdown of law and order.

The establishment of first Technical University, Ibadan was a plus to his tenure as governor for 8 years. He raised bar of governance.

However, the way he talks as a blunt person did not go down well with some people and the way Olubadan Obaship were handled.


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