Aremo John Adeleke

The Executive Governor of Oyo State, Engr Seyi Makinde, has shown the Chairman of Oyo State Internal Revenue, Aremo John Adeleke exit door.

Aremo John Adeleke

OyoInsight confirmed the development from a source close to administration of Governor Makinde that the Eruwa born financial expert was asked to go yesterday.

Read Also: Makinde Inaugurates Oyo Amotekun Governing Board

Though, this online newspaper however cannot confirm what led to his sack as at press time but multiple sources, who did not want name mentioned told OyoInsight that the governor would, anytime from now, ask all his commissioners and some of the special advisers to go. Most of them, they added, would not be reappointed.

“Three of the commissioners, one each from Oyo, Ibarapa and Okeogun and Ibadan may not return. Ogbomoso is likely going to have two commissioners in the new Excos about to be formed,” said one of the sources.

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