President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

An appeal has gone to Nigerians to be patient with the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu over the perceived hardship they face due to the current realties and the effect of some economic policies.

Son of former Oyo State governor Lam-Adesina, Hon. Adedapo Lam-Adesina, who made the disclosure in a statement made available to journalists in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, said the president will not fail Nigeria as he is the country’s seeming last hope.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

According to the All Progressives Congress, APC, chieftain, “I’m aware of the challenges being faced by Nigerians. And I am also in the know that President Bola Tinubu means well especially by making that tough decision of removing subsidy on his first day in office.
That action alone, sounded a death knell for oil cabals.

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What you are seeing is just one of the after-effect when such action is taken. We are almost out of the woods as the hardships of the moment will eventually give way for a more prosperous, equitable and inclusive economy.

“It isn’t that he deliberately placed hardship on Nigerians. The subsidy that was removed has made the market a free one now. Though there is a form of control, the rise in the cost of premium motor spirit is a result of the pricing across the global market which Nigeria is not an exception. So we have got to exercise patience. It is a patience that is time-bound.

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“President Bola Tinubu I know has the gut to turnaround everything for our good. We have to salute him for having the balls to do what he did as it is for the common good of all of us and that no decision should be too difficult for a leader to take for the prosperity and unity of a nation.’’

“Let me assure that palliative measures are being worked on to cushion the effect of the hardship. It is not that some set of people are the only ones facing the current hardship, all of us aren’t exempted. So we have got to support this administration with prayers so as to be able to deliver on its mandate,” the young politician added.

He also said that he is aware that a lot of reforms are being planned that will give way to massive jobs creation for the numerous unemployed youths in the country which will reduce drastically the level of unemployment amongst the people and as a young person,I cannot wait for this to come to fruition in the nearest future he concluded.

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