Amofin Beulah Adeoye Independence Day message


The founder and president of Beulah Adeoye Foundation, Amofin Beulah Adeoye in his 64th  Independence Day message urged government at all levels to rise up and proffer sustainable solutions that will drive the growth and development of the country.

Amofin Adeoye in his message advised the teeming youths to remain focus and contribute their own quota to the peaceful coexistence and development of the country.


Dear Nigerians,

Like free birds, we are equipped with the freedom to fly, lead, and choose the life we desire—fluttering our wings across the length and breadth of the sky. Yet, like wounded birds, we are truly free but with broken wings too weak to soar to our coveted altitude. This painful experience is a troubling reality for many of us as citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The celebration of 64th Independence Day comes with so much reflections, especially while considering the trajectory of our nation in recent years and the prevailing crisis of hunger, high poverty rates, low income, insecurity, high cost of living, inflation, shortage of Nigerian economic manpower among others.

Amofin Beulah Adeoye Independence Day message

Regardless, I remain optimistic about a better Nigeria, but not without the collective efforts of all of us in negotiating unity and shared responsibility. We have the duty to set our standards, redefine our history, and contribute our quota while establishing impeccable legacies for generations yet unborn.

To achieve this roadmap of sustainable development, we must embrace patience, and sacrifice, and be constantly reminded that our actions, decisions, and policies affect our posterity.

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As we commit to making these tough sacrifices, our government all at levels must be reminded that we, the people, are the backbone of our democracy—our true independence—and that our rights and benefits must be safeguarded from corrupt political nincompoops determined to loot our treasury and take us backward.

Together with us, the government must take a firm stand, rejecting ethnic division and religious conflict while embracing peace, which will bring us equity, justice, tolerance, and fairness.

The government must make rapid decisions to make lives bearable through the introduction of incentives and citizen-friendly policies aimed at economic growth and advancement.

In particular, youth empowerment must be at the forefront of these solutions. And this is because, the youth are the driving force of our nation’s future, and by providing them with opportunities for growth, entrepreneurship, and leadership, we can pave the way for a prosperous Nigeria. The time to act is now—let us rise to meet the challenges of today for the betterment of tomorrow.

READ ALSO: Friday Evening with Amofin Beulah Adeoye: Harnessing Power Of Technology For Democratic Sustenance (Series 3)

Let this Independence Day not just be a moment of reflection but a call to action. Our strength lies in our unity, our resilience, and our determination to shape the Nigeria we all dream of. Together, with unwavering resolve, we can rewrite the narrative of our nation and create a future where every Nigerian, no matter their background, can soar to their highest potential.

– Amofin Beulah Adeoye
President, Beulah Adeoye Foundation.


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