
The major problems facing Nigeria’s progress and development is weak leadership couple with judicial system. The leaders from head to bottom should be held responsible the way and manner pandemic is being handled in Nigeria. This is because, there is no clear direction on how palliative will get to the poor of the poorest.

They didn’t fund our hospitals, schools for the general welfare of the citizenry as expected. Our people trekked several kilometers to access primary health care in the villages, the government hospitals in the city are nothing to write home about.

The looting and mismanagement of resources by leaders offered us nothing for the raining days.

The late nationalists, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Ahmadu Bello, worked sincerely for Nigeria to prosper as a nation despite coming from ethnic and religious differences. They were united and have interest of the country at heart.

The present set politicians spent so much on election which makes it difficult to embark on developmental project when they assume office.

The last 2019 general elections witnessed sensational spending among our leaders, we saw video where bullion van conveyed raw cash, we heard from leaders of political parties how they bought votes, we saw what transpired in the House of Representatives before the present Speaker emerged.

In a sane climate, an honest politician only had to prove his capacity based on his track record to the voters not by spending humongous amount.

The first set of people i observed responsible for our backwardness are the leaders in this country.

Judicial system is next, no nation can thrive above supremacy of the constitution and rule of law.

Emphasis should be placed on what an aspiring Senator or Governor will do not erecting billboard and spending recklessly.

The cost of nomination form must be reviewed if we must get it right in this country. An aspirant that spent so much on nomination form, campaign, party men and leaders of the party will definitely look for an avenue to get triple of what he spent if he eventually emerged.

We need to educate the people so that they will know why these politicians are rushing to be there.

We need to examine ourselves. Nigeria has been enjoying uncommon grace of the most High God, many countries have suffered a lot from natural disasters in the time past.

Poor infrastructural development as noticeable in different parts of Nigeria is an evidence of leadership failure.

If we can sit down and tell ourselves the truth about what is wrong, we should be able to work things out.

Now, lack of patriotism, unity and greediness on the part of our leaders have reduced global recognition for our dear country, Nigeria.

It is high time, our leaders check themselves taking a cue from those that we have lost to COVID-19 pandemic due to our inability to provide adequate health care facilities.

Our judiciary must also rise up to the challenge and deliver on their mandate since court remains the last hope of a common man.

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