Senator Rilwan Adesoji Akanbi and Dr Morohunkola Thomas

A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Senator Rilwan Adesoji Akanbi has joined notable Nigerians to congratulate Gov Seyi Makinde’s newly appointed Special Adviser on Socio-economic matters, Dr Morohunkola Thomas.

Senator Rilwan Adesoji Akanbi and Dr Morohunkola Thomas

Senator Akanbi in a statement signed personally and made available to FreshPage urged newly appointee Special Adviser on Socio-economic matters to utilizes the position well and add values to socio-economic status of good people of Oyo State.

READ ALSO: 10TH NASS INAUGURATION: Soji Akanbi Greets Lawmakers From Oyo State

Senator Akanbi urged Dr Thomas to use his wealth of experience in government since 1999 till date.


It would be recalled, Senator Akanbi was the first to be appointed to a similar position at the birth of 4th Republic in 1999 by late Alhaji Lamidi Onaolapo Adesina as Special Adviser on Economic and Industrial Matters.


“I have no doubt in capacity and capability of Dr Morohunkola Thomas that he will deliver above border. In short, Gov Makinde made right decision for the appointment”.

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