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Oyo State Commissioner for Energy and Mineral Resources, Barrister Seun Ashamu has met with towing vehicle stakeholders in the State and called for beneficial collaboration between the Ministry and the association.

the essence of the collaboration is to ensure that the Light Up Oyo Project achieve its purpose ranging from reduced insecurity, boost economy through night business and improve overall welfare of Oyo residents.

Barr Seun Ashamu

at the meeting, issues of continuous damaging of street light poles by agents of darkness and how to put an end to the trend were discussed.

The commissioner stated that the Ministry the perpetrators of evil and immoral act act deserve to be exposed. he urged people to be on guard of government’s property like street light anchored on the mantra: ”if you see something say something”.

He highlighted the cost government is incurring as a result of damaged the poles by reckless drivers at night with no one taking responsibility. He stressed the need for towers to inform Ministry of culprits before helping them to tow the vehicles away from the scene, since they are the first responders.

He further assured them of his support and how the two bodies can synergize to prevent reoccurrence.

READ ALSO: Light Up Oyo Project: Govt Begins Audit Of Infrastructure, Knocks Contractor Over Poor Delivery

The chairman, Towers Association in his own remarks assured the Ministry of their total support in collaborating with them to ensure government properties aren’t destroyed.

Barr Ashamu in his final remark says the Ministry operates an open door policy and assured them of his total support to rid the state of destroyers whom out of their act of indiscipline hinders destroy government projects.

READ ALSO: Light Up Oyo: Changing Narrative Of Security and Economy

The tower stakeholders used the occasion to commend the Ministry of Energy under Barr Ashamu for the good works they are doing, saying that the lights has helped to achieve free flow of traffic at night and smooth home drive. The association charged the Ministry to do more particularly in the areas where the lights hasn’t be on.

The commissioner appreciated the association for their spirit of loyalty to the state and assured them of improved and continuous work on the remaining grey areas.

READ ALSO: JUST IN: Oyo Begins Gas Installations For Light-Up Oyo Project

Barr Ashamu stressed that His Excellency, Governor Seyi Makinde means well for the state hence the rapid development Oyo state is experiencing under Omituntun 2.0 which as an upgrade of Omituntun 1.0 . He reiterated that the indicators are there for all to see in the numbers of projects the government is working on. He sought for their prayers to government and all appointees to deliver on their promises.

He thanked them for honoring his invitation and wish them well.

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