
Former Governor of Oyo State who doubles as Osi Olubadan, Senator Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja was absent as ten High Chiefs of Olubadan-in-Council present at Mapo Hall on Wednesday to decide the next Olubadan of Ibadanland.

The ten kingmakers present at the meeting held at Mapo Hall unanimously agreed that High Chief Lekan Balogun is the next Olubadan of Ibadanland.


There decision came barely four days after Oba Saliu Akanmu Adetunji Ajé Ogungunniso I joined his ancestors.

The ten kingmakers present at the meeting however refuted the claim that there was a court case stopping them from appointing the new Olubadan. They added that the administration of late ex-governor Abiola Ajimobi did not tamper with the Ibadan chieftaincy declaration of 1957 by elevating them.

The Osi Balogun of Ibadan land, High Chief Tajudeen Ajibola disclosed this in a brief remark at the international press conference called by the kingmakers, on Wednesday

According to him, the council which is the kingmakers have met and resolved that Balogun is next in line and would in line with the tradition ascend the throne of Olubadan.

He also debunked insinuations relating to the health and wellness of the new Olubadan-elect, saying all the negative media reports are nothing to worry about.

Other high chiefs in attendance at the press conference included Balogun Olubadan, Owolabi Olakulehin; Otun Balogun, Eddy Oyewole; Ashipa Olubadan, Tajudeen Ajibola; Osi Balogun, Amidu Ajibade; Ekaarun Olubadan, Lateef Gbadamosi; Ekaarun Balogun, Kola Adegbola; and Ekerin Olubadan Abiodun Kola-Daisi.



It is with gratitude to the Almighty God that I welcome you all here today in order to apprise ourselves with the latest development in the City of Ibadan.

One , as a bonafide indigene of Ibadanland, there is a natural need for me to join you in commiserating with the family of the late Oba on the sudden home call of our Kabiyesi, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Saliu Akanmu Adetunji, Aje Ogunguniso II the late Olubadan of Ibadanland.

Two, by way of duty, as the Prime Minister of the Olubadan-in-Council, we owe the people of Ibadanland and Oyo State in general the obligations to inform and update you all on the latest development at our Palace.

It is no longer news that our much referred Kabiyesi, Oba Saliu Akanmu Adetunji, Aje Ogunguniso II the Olubadan of Ibadanland has joined his ancestors. It is my prayer that the Almighty God to whom all mortals shall return will accept his home call, forgive his sins and grant him Al-jannah Firdaous. May his gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

The good deeds he had done in respect of his dedication and commitment to the promotion and sustenance of peace and development of Ibadanland and Oyo State in general shall remain indelible in the hearts of our people.

He was a peace-loving and an outstanding custodian of culture and tradition who held on strictly to the principles of excellent leadership. He would forever be remembered for his consistency and tenacity of purpose in whatever he believed would advance the course of Ibadanland.

He has come, served and had gone like everyone before him. And so will everyone at his own time. I pray the Almighty Allah to continue to protect the family he left behind.

I also wish to commiserate with the Chief Mourner, the Execute Governor of Oyo State, His Excellency, Engineer Oluwaseyi Abiodun Makinde and members of his Cabinet who had been privileged to interact and intimately relate with the late Kabiyesi to sustain the peace and development of Oyo State.

There is no doubting the fact that Your Excellency would sorely miss the late Oba if only for his fatherly counsels on matters of administrative importance to the State

My heartfelt condolence message also extends to the entire Royal Dignitaries of the Olubadan-in-Council as well as the members of the Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes (CCII) on the sudden demise of the late Kabiyesi and I pray that the Almighty Allah grants you all the fortitude to bear the loss.

Finally, I wish to commiserate with the peace-loving people of Ibadanland on the sudden transition to eternity of the late great Monarch and I enjoin you all to remain peaceful in all your conducts in order to sustain our unequalled historical peaceful co-existence for which Ibadanland is globally known.

I, therefore, enjoin you all to discard with all unfounded rumors and insinuations capable of disturbing the peace of Ibadanland, irrespective of the quarter from which such fake news emanate.
In line with the traditional practice of Ibadanland when occasion like this arises, the Olubadan-in-Council has been up and doing liaising with the Oyo State Government to ensure that every necessary step to sustain the peace of the City is strictly followed.

I thank you all for the expressions of affection and genuine love you have shown to the family of the late Kabiyesi. The New Year will bring unto your doorsteps the peace and prosperity you all deserve.

Once again, on behalf of myself, the Ali Iwo family and the entire members of the highly referred members of the Olubadan-in-Council, I pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of the late Kabiyesi.

Mo ki yin eku ara feraku o, Esi ku Aseyinde.
Ojo a jina si ara won o. Amin
I thank you all.

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