Love is essential to the human existence and experience. As a verb and as a noun, love belongs to those rare words that straddled between two parts of speech. As a noun, it is a name and as a verb, it is an action word. Neither static nor lame, love act as a unifier where division exists and help mend broken bones. To love a thing is to care deeply, and commit profoundly to its overall growth. Love helps heal the wound and can transform a bleak situation to one of limitless hope. Love is not a onetime choice. It is a process.

In fact, I believe it is a journey of a lifetime. “Love is the most important thing in our lives” as Diane Ackerman once enthused, “a passion for which we would fight or die, and yet we’re reluctant to linger over its names. Without a supple vocabulary, we can’t even talk or think about it directly”. Watch Amofin Beulah Adeoye speaks with unbridled passion and cheerful enthusiasm about Oyo State and you will see the wholeheartedly smile beaming on his face.
“Ten years ago, I started to study Oyo State, its prospect, potential and diversity”, he once remarked in one of his engagements with the influential young people in the state. For a decade, Amofin Beulah Adeoye has carefully dig into the state’s curves and contours, interacting with different categories of people while monitoring its various development with a closer gaze. Whether in the country or outside of it, he kept a close tab on the state, following development with passionate appeal. As a global citizen, Amofin Beulah knew for love to thrive and flourish, it must follow the trajectory of communication, commitment and trust.
While we discussed the five dysfunctions of trust using the work of Patrick Lencioni last week, today, we shall dig deeper into relationship between love and trust. Interestingly, we began our thrilling journey by examining trust and why invulnerability is antithetical to building it. We noted that trust is the foundation of a real teamwork. We added that experts like Lencioni posited that building trust where people only show their strengths while hiding their weaknesses is counter-intuitive.
This implies that people must be deliberate about embracing the gift of imperfections. “Great teams do not hold back with one another”, Lencioni argued “they are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal”. In other words, unless team members play the vulnerability game, building trust will become a herculean task. And that starts with being damn open about everything and anything. For one, Amofin Beulah Adeoye is such an open-minded leader. He speaks his mind without fear. He interacts freely with others to gain valuable perspectives. He happily relates with people regardless of their social class.
To him, communication forms an integral part of his being. And commitment is one his core strengths. For the love of this state, Amofin has committed and dedicated his life to its development. This state has so much prospects and potentials. Only a leader like Amofin Beulah Adeoye has the key to unlocking the prospects and unleashing the giants within her potentials.
Olajide Hamzat writes about the various prospect and potential of Oyo state while projecting Amofin Beulah Adeoye as a solution provider, problem solver and creative, adaptive and innovative leader and thinker with compassion and empathy.